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Rainbow Light Energy Healing Session


Online 1:1 Rainbow Light Healing

£45 GBP the length of the session is 45/50 minutes

This energy healing session you will receive rainbow light healing and the unicorns who are connected with the rainbow ray will be assisting. You will recieve the healing colour frequencies that are aligned and beneficial for you at the time for your own healing, well-being and path.  Energy healing  can help with many things , some are  feeling uplifted, self confidence, clearing energetic blockages, improves emotional well-being, clarity of mind,  increases physical energy,  better sleep, reduces stress  and anxiety  and can ease physical pain . It can be supportive for  emotional healing and emotional clearing. Clients often say  they feel a deep sense of peace and calm and also very light and refreshed after a session.

This is an energy healing session with the unicorns, where I channel rainbow light, which is the rainbow ray into your physical body and energetic body. These sessions are very restorative and cleansing and bring healing to your body and energetic body, which includes your chakra system and auric field.  The rainbow light carries the different colours of the rainbow ray, its very nourishing and balancing.  These sessions are also beautiful for self- care, if you are wanting to take time for yourself to be nurtured and nourished in a safe space. This healing session will re-set your energy, release stress, anxiety and tension, soothe any pain or aches, boost your mood and restore your energy. Chakra and auric field healing, balancing and clearing is included in this session. This is a beautiful crystalline frequency that elevates our energy, raises our vibration, clears our energy and assists with healing and spiritual expansion.

This session also included a unicorn attunement, activation or transmission. Before the session I will connect to and call in your unicorn guide to be present and with your during the session.

The colour rays that will be channelled into your physical and energy body will be unique for what your physical body and energy needs at the time but also for your path. Colour frequencies carry codes and unique properties for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing. 

Unicorns are very high vibrational, pure, angelic beings that assist humanity with their personal ascension journeys and to connect with their divine light within. They focus and send healing light through their horns, which is a spiral of light that physically manifests as a horn.  If you want to experience unicorn healing and to connect with them, this is a   great session for you but its also great for anyone that wants to receive rainbow light which is a incredibly high vibrational crystalline frequency.  

Please note that these sessions are done remotely via audio call, in the comfort of your own home. I connect with your personal energy using only your name to send you energy healing. At the end of the session  I will  do a short energy oracle reading for you  which will include any messages/guidance  that is coming through for you at that time.

As each person is unique and will have their own experience this will vary, but after a session you may feel - 

 deeply relaxed, lighter and calm, grounded and balanced, energised, joyful, uplifted or energised.

Aftercare - when you receive energy healing your physical body receives high frequency light, energy and codes that take time for your body to adjust and integrate.  

The integration time will be unique for everyone, it can take between 1-2 days or up to a week so please be gentle with yourself after a session. Make sure to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water after, as this will help with the clearing and detoxification process. You may be called to take a nap or rest, if you can after, or get some more sleep that night.

Spending some time in nature, or doing a grounding exercise, can be supportive for the physical body if you feel spacey, ungrounded and old or heavy emotions are surfacing.

Journaling can be helpful to remember what you experienced after the session, by writing it down, or if old emotions and feelings are surfacing that were suppressed or hidden that are coming up to be seen and cleared, it allows you to express and release it through writing.

Disclaimer - This is a form of energy healing, practitioners do not diagnose medical conditions or interfere with medical professionals. 

Please note that bookings, once made cannot be cancelled. Rescheduling will likely be possible  to a more convenient date/time and will be accommodated wherever possible.

I accept payment via the following methods:

  • BACS (Bank Transfer)

  • PayPal

Payment will be due during the booking process, once we agree a mutually convenient date and time, in order to finalise your booking. If you have any questions regarding payment or would like to discuss alternative methods, please get in touch..

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